Scores are updated automatically where the score feed is available from Betfair.
If you need to update the score manually, this is how you would do it: -
Clicking on the ‘+’ next to a player’s name will register a point as won for that player. From here we can model certain scenarios. If a point is challenged or overruled then you can click on the ‘undo’ button to step back a point.
When you call up Tennis Trader you will need to set the current score. In this illustration you can see I’ve just linked to a game.
This particular match was halted overnight so I need to set the current score. I do this by typing directly into the score fields or by using the up and down arrows . I can also set the current server by clicking against the correct player in the ‘Server’ column.
When the game commences I can update the score by clicking on the ‘+’ button next to the relevant player.
This will add one point onto the score and automatically update the games and sets scores as the game progresses.
If at any time I leave the game and miss a few points I can enter the correct score as above by typing the correct values into the relevant fields.